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June 6th - 12th

On 6th June…

1944 - D-Day or Operation Overlord went ahead during World War II with over 155,000 Allied troops landing on the beaches of Normandy in what was to be a successful attempt at pushing back the Nazi forces and reclaiming France.

On 7th June…

1329 - Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland died. He is famous for defeating the English at the Battle of Bannockburn and re-establishing an independent Scottish monarchy.

On 8th June…

632 - Muhammed, the founder of Islam, died in the arms of his third wife Aisha.

793 - The Vikings invaded St Cuthbert’s monastery on the island of Lindisfarne off the north-east coast of England. They ransacked the monastery for treasure and killed, or took as slaves, all the monks living there. This is often quoted as the first Viking attack on the English mainland but an earlier record in 787 states that the Vikings had attacked and killed a local leader in Wessex when he went to take them to the king.

On 9th June…

68CE - The Roman Emperor Nero committed suicide to evade execution by flogging. He was emperor at the time of Queen Boudicca’s uprising in Britain and is the man responsible for Rome being rebuilt in the style of Ancient Greece following the Great Fire of Rome. Nero was extremely extravagant; spending money on things that were not necessary. He was also a great lover of the arts, theatre and poetry. Nero fell foul of the Roman Senate and the Praetorian guard for many things, but it was made worse when he insisted on performing as an actor on stage instead of just ruling the Empire. He acted in roles the Senate deemed beneath him, not just as an Emperor, king, or man of authority but as characters from all walks of life including beggars.

On 10th June…

1921 - Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband to Queen Elizabeth II, was born on the Greek island of Corfu.

On 11th June…

1488 - King James III of Scotland was murdered by rebellious Scottish nobles who were tired of his favouritism and poor management. He was replaced by his 15-year-old son King James IV who was among the rebels. Despite his inadequate ruling, King James III is responsible for Scotland increasing its lands and gaining control of both the Orkney and Shetland islands through his Danish wife’s dowry which could not be paid in full.

On 12th June…

918 - Lady Aethelflaed of Mercia died. She was the eldest daughter of Alfred the Great, and against all odds because it was unheard of for women to rule at that time, she became the sole leader of Mercia when her husband King Aethelred died.