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February 6th - 12th

On 6th February…

On 7th February…

2005 - Ellen MacArthur became the fastest female to sail solo around the world. It took her 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds.

On 8th February…

On 9th February…

1555 - The Bishop of Gloucester, Thomas Hooper, was burned at the stake near Gloucester Cathedral. He was the first bishop to be executed in this way during the reign of Queen Mary I. Thomas had originally been a Catholic Bishop but had converted to Protestantism during the reign of King Edward VI, son of Henry VIII. He had supported Queen Mary in her claim to the throne but was found guilty of heresy when Queen Mary made England a Catholic country again. Many of the Protestant Bishops were found guilty during this time and were executed by being burnt at the stake. This is how Queen Mary earned her nickname Bloody Mary.

On 10th February…

On 11th February…

1990 - Having been imprisoned in South Africa for 27 years, Nelson Mandela, was released. Mandela fought for the end of apartheid and for equal rights for black people in South Africa. In 1964, after a long court trial called the Rivonia Trial, he was found guilty of sabotage, treason and violent conspiracy and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Just four years after his release, Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa (1994-1999).

On 12th February…

1809 - Abraham Lincoln was born. He was one of America’s most admired presidents and is most recognised by his tall, black, top hat. Did you know that he only went to school for one year?