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March 14th - 20th

On 14th March…

2018 - Stephen Hawking the famous scientist who was left paralysed in a wheelchair because of Motor Neurone Disease died. He was diagnosed with the disease in his early twenties and was not given long to live; he was 76 years old when he died. Hawking is famous for his work on black holes; his most famous book was called ‘A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes’.

On 15th March…

On 16th March…

455 - Roman Emperor of the West, Valentinian III, was assassinated by the Roman Senate. He was succeeded by Petronius Maximus. Two Roman leaders assassinated in the middle of March? I guess the ‘Beware the Ides of March’ prophecy was relevant to more than one ruler.

On 17th March…

461CE - Saint Patrick the patron saint of Ireland died. He is celebrated the world over on this day. There is a legend that Saint Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland and into the sea where they drowned. This could explain why there are no snakes in Ireland today.

1473King James IV of Scotland was born in Northumberland, England.  He became king when he was only 15 years old.  Did you know that he was married to King Henry VII’s daughter, Margaret Tudor which made him a brother-in-law to King Henry VIII?

On 18th March…

On 19th March…

1286 - King Alexander III of Scotland died after falling from a horse. He became king at the age of 8 years and is one of Scotland’s greatest rulers. Did you know that he defeated Norway to gain control of the Western Isles? These islands are still a part of Scotland today.

On 20th March…